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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all.

Just a little post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latest from the owner of TWRPS AWESOME POST

Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is a post I've been waiting to make for about three months, as it's time to finally silence all the people all over the Internet (including two desperate owners of a "competing" company) who have made the following claims.

1. TWRPS will never get the compressions done on time.

2. James Al-Obouid is a "scammer" who is going to steal your money and then just add your email address to his mailing list to spam you for the rest of your life.

3. TWRPS will never payout on time.

4. TWRPS will never payout 96.8%.

Well, well, well. Now my time has come to do the talking.

1. The compression was a MASSIVE job. Unless you've done one before, there is really no way to explain just how big of a job it is, as thousands of members had to be deleted and have each individual matrix compressed. It was a job that I sincerely thought could take up to two weeks to complete due to the enormus number of people who signed up during prelaunch. However, we got it done in less than three days. I myself am still stunned by that, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my staff for their brilliant assistance with that huge task.

2. So, I'm a scammer, am I? That's news to me. Not only have I paid everyone every single cent they were due to receive, and when I said I would do it, but I haven't even taken my pay yet just to ensure there is plenty of money left in the TWRPS account to cover all upcoming business costs, and I'm proud to say that in TWRPS' first month in business, we are already 100% debt free and dramatically in profit with all members paid every commission they were due to receive.

3. Not only did we pay on time, we paid out early.

4. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO happy to finally be able to show everyone that I've been telling the truth from the beginning about the 96.8% payout. I have listened to endless false accusations from countless people about how I will never actually payout 96.8% and that I've just been saying this to trick people into joining my company during prelaunch so I could then change the payout plan on them later. Well, all of you who were just paid can now fully confirm that the payout plan is EXACTLY what I always said it would be.

I know that people in this industry are used to being lied to and used for their money, so I'm sure that when they saw a company come along that claimed it was going to payout 96.8% on top of a mathematically unbeatable spillover rate and break even point, they naturally assumed it was a lie meant to deceive others into lowering their guard so that they could be used. However, I am extremely pleased to now be able to say with conclusive proof that the people who have made these claims (including the malicious owners of competing companies) are ABSOLUTELY WRONG.

It has been my pleasure to silence these people, and it will continue to be my please to silence them by continuing to keep my word about everything I say.

Once we transfer the site to the dedicated server, once I'm able to retain my tech admin full time (should be after January), and when we can get the site translated into dozens of different languages, NOTHING will be able to stop TWRPS, and do you know why? It's because TWRPS is actually being operated by an ethical, honest person who isn't consumed with greed. I know that is shocking in this industry, but that's exactly why I created TWRPS. I stepped down as the second most productive affiliate marketer (at the time) for one of the most successful companies in this industry because I didn't want to work for companies that were so clearly set up to benefit the owners WAY more than the affiliates. The affiliates bust their butts to make the owners rich, and most of them are never even able to break even, so even though I was making a lot of money, I knew I had to walk away, as I finally realized that I was helping the owners of these companies to sell their lie to the public. That's when I knew if I was going to remain in this industry, I had to create a company that is completely focused on giving the members an opportunity that is at least equal to the owner, if not better, and that is what lead to the creation of TWRPS.

That's all I wanted to say. I've been waiting three months to make this post but knew I couldn't do it until I actually proved to the world that I was truly going to payout everything I said I would, as well as when I said I would do it.

I thank all of you who showed enough faith in me to not believe the negative statements of others, or even worse, the malicious lies of my "competition," as I'm sure many of you have heard these things said about me and TWRPS as well, and I also thank you for continuing to trust me and seeing that I am now also fulfilling my promise to move the site to a dedicated server (the most expensive, most powerful, and fastest one I can find) and remaining completely focused on building TWRPS into the greatest opportunity that has ever existed in the home-based/online business industry.



Monday, December 7, 2009

Some payment proofs!!!

Here is the proof the TWRPS pays from me and a fellow team member.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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